Tuesday, November 28, 2006

Bush Blew up the Twin Towers

In a recent episode of South Park, the elementary-school-aged troublemakers spend most of the half-hour figuring out whether the U.S. government planned the attacks of September 11, 2001. As they close in on the answer, a squad of poorly drawn, machine-gun-toting Secret Service agents kidnaps Kyle and Stan, along with a 9/11 conspiracy theorist. All of them are whisked away to the Oval Office, where President Bush confesses to everything.

"We've all worked very hard to keep our involvement in 9/11 a secret, but you just had to keep digging," Bush cackles. Then the president pulls out a handgun. He sticks the muzzle in the conspiracy theorist's mouth and blows his brains out. The cartoon blood splatters on a black shirt with the words "911Truth.org."

Bush then explains that he planted explosives in the base of the World Trade Center towers. The missing planes were diverted to an airport in Pennsylvania. Two military jets filled with explosives flew into the twin towers. Then he blew up the Pentagon with a cruise missile. Bush boasts: "It was only the world's most intricate and flawlessly executed plan ever ... ever."

By the end, the show has mocked everybody involved. But the following day, Web traffic to 911truth.org multiplied by five times, spiking the site's number of views to 58,000 a day. A fact omitted from the South Park episode — and from the Web site itself — is that 911truth.org is run by Janice Matthews, a single mother of six from Kansas City, Missouri. continued


By: Devvy Kidd
November 27, 2006

© 2006 - NewsWithViews.com

On September 19, 2006, I filed a lawsuit in Federal District Court over a FOIA request regarding Flight 93; see history here. The speculation regarding Flight 93 and whether it landed at Cleveland Hopkins International Airport or was shot down by our military over Shanksville, Pennsylvania continues. One web site makes an allegation that a mystery plane landed International Airport on 911. This web site gives a time line of planes landing and passenger interviews and makes the statement: "Flight X landed at 10:45, and at 11:15 the 200 passengers were taken into the evacuated NASA Center." This site maintains this is not Delta, but an unknown Flight. continued

Sunday, November 26, 2006



By Leuren Moret

A shocking new scientific study by British scientists Dr. Chris Busby and Saoirse Morgan asks: “Did the use of uranium weapons in Gulf War II result
in the contamination of Europe?”

High levels of depleted uranium (DU) have been measured in the atmosphere in Britain, transported on air currents from the Middle East and Central Asia. Scientists cited the U.S. bombing of Tora Bora, Afghanistan in 2001 and the “Shock and Awe” bombing during Gulf War II in Iraq in 2003 as one of the main reasons.

In the 1950s the British government had established an air monitoring facility at the Atomic Weapons Establishment (AWE) in Aldermaston to measure radioactive emissions from British nuclear power plants and atomic weapons facilities. continued

The worst violators of press freedom

Worldwide Press Freedom Index 2006

North Korea, Turkmenistan, Eritrea the worst violators of press freedom

France, the United States and Japan slip further Mauritania and Haiti gain much ground

New countries have moved ahead of some Western democracies in the fifth annual Reporters Without Borders Worldwide Press Freedom Index, issued today, while the most repressive countries are still the same ones.

“Unfortunately nothing has changed in the countries that are the worst predators of press freedom,” the organisation said, “and journalists in North Korea, Eritrea, Turkmenistan, Cuba, Burma and China are still risking their life or imprisonment for trying to keep us informed. These situations are extremely serious and it is urgent that leaders of these countries accept criticism and stop routinely cracking down on the media so harshly.

"Each year new countries in less-developed parts of the world move up the Index to positions above some European countries or the United States. This is good news and shows once again that, even though very poor, countries can be very observant of freedom of expression. Meanwhile the steady erosion of press freedom in the United States, France and Japan is extremely alarming,” Reporters Without Borders said. continued

Thursday, November 09, 2006

Video of David Shayler & Annie Machon at Leeds

David Shayler and Annie Machon at the Unspinning the Truth event organised by The West Yorkshire Truth Campaign www.wytruth.org.uk Tues 17th October 2006

Hat tip to whatreallyhappened.com

Saturday, November 04, 2006

DC Trouser Treats: Washington's Pedophilia in the "National Interest"

DC Trouser Treats: Washington's Pedophilia in the "National Interest"

"For seven and-a-half years I’ve worked alongside Reagan, and I’m proud to be his partner. We’ve had triumphs, we’ve made mistakes, we’ve had sex... uh, I mean setbacks....” - Vice President George Bush , 6 May 1987

Nothing like a salacious sex story distracts Puritanical America from more sinister crimes of the Bushista Beltway bandits. But while the US media depict Rep. Mark Foley (below far left, in an, appropriately, American Idol photo-op) as a solitary "bad apple" among honorable legislators, Washington's sex scandal de jure masks far more pervasive sexual abuse of minors in our nation's Capitol.

While Foley's diddling of an underage male page has indeed riveted Americans' rapt stare, the media sifts the gutters for more tidbits to feed the prurient interests. But the St. Petersburg Times’ 3 October edition provided readers a revealing piece on the depth of Washington's hypocritical posturing in "protecting" children.

Campaigning in 2003 for a US Senate seat in Florida, Foley happened upon a golden opportunity for scoring points among Florida voters by reading a New York Times story on underage nudists in Florida. Predictably, the senatorial candidate righteously “demanded that the state investigate a summer nudist camp for kids in Pasco County, warning it could expose innocent children to pedophiles.”

Foley’s coup de grace of hypocricy came in a well-publicized follow-up letter--written so reporters wouldn’t misquote him--to Governor Jeb Bush expressing his concern for the safety of Floridian children.

"The situation clearly raises legitimate issues that should be addressed, given that it involves minor children," Foley wrote, citing his post as co-chairman of the Congressional Missing and Exploited Children's Caucus.

Foley compared the camps to child pornography and child modeling Web sites and wrote: "I believe they may be endangering these children."

Adroitly hidden from a pubic lacking a mind set to comprehend its nature, DC pedophilia is far more entrenched and widespread than Capitol Hill reporters dare reveal. Though fools like Foley caught with their pants around their ankels become fair game for journalists, the real impetus behind Washington’s sexual bause of minors is being covered up, treated as a matter of “national security” as it has been since the 1950s.


Fox News Brief on Steven Jones's Early Retirement From BYU

Looks like Fox News picked up on Steven Jones's Early Retirement..

Depleted Uranium Kills ...your tax dollars at work

What's The Big Deal?

Today in 2005, fourteen years after the first massive use of depleted uranium munitions against Iraq, countless thousands (or millions) of victims cry in vain for relief as the United States and other military forces continue to use DU weaponry. Anyone seeking to end this suicidal chemical and radiological gas warfare is confronting one of the biggest institutional lies in history, the lie that uranium munitions pose no long-term or widespread health hazard.

This lie is so huge and has so many tentacles and subtleties, that it has become institutional orthodoxy in the United States.
The truth, being pieced together by dedicated, disciplined, peer-reviewed scientists worldwide, is too horrifying for most people to contemplate. The vaporized, ceramic uranium oxides which billow as smoke from an impacting DU shell have poisoned, and continue to contaminate the environment with minute, undetectable uranium oxide particles which will remain radioactive and toxic for the lifetime of Earth. (4.5 billion+ years) continued


By David Podvin

George W. Bush is a murderer, and a prolific one at that. He has deployed surrogates to kill more than one hundred thousand Iraqi civilians in a ruthless slaughter that is ongoing. The fact that he murders via remote control from the Oval Office does not confer legitimacy to his crimes. If anything, it makes them all the more despicable.

Bush is slaying people in the name of democracy, yet his commitment to democracy has already been debunked in Haiti and Venezuela, not to mention Florida and Ohio. Recently released State Department papers reveal that the former Texas governor is murdering Iraqis for the purpose of stealing their oil, which was always obvious and is now documented. There may be worse motives for killing people than thievery, but none leaps immediately to mind.

The level of cruelty involved in this theft is awe-inspiring. At Bush’s behest, the United States military has “neutralized” unarmed Iraqis by dropping cluster bombs on them, showering them with napalm, shooting them from helicopters, executing them in mosques, and torturing them in dungeons. The BBC broadcast an interview with a grieving woman whose pregnant daughter had been machine-gunned by U.S. troops, which is the one method of abortion that conservatives are willing to tolerate. As the corporate media turns a blind eye, Bush is massacring human beings who pose no danger to America. continued

Bush's Odd Behavior on 9/11


This must-see 16 minute excerpt from Barrie Zwicker's video "The Great Conspiracy" shows that George W. Bush was acting very strangely on the morning of 9/11. It also touches on the "guilty demeanor" of Bush and Cheney in connection with the 9/11 Commission cover-up.

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Explosions on 911

WTC7 controlled demolition