Monday, October 30, 2006

Salon Magazine Exposes CIA Tactics To Destroy Independent Journalists


The Greatest Vendetta on Earth
Why would the head of Ringling Bros.-Barnum & Bailey hire a former top CIA honcho to torment a hapless freelance writer for eight years?

Editor's note: This is the first in a two-part series.

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By Jeff Stein

Aug. 30, 2001 |

It had to have been startling news for Pottker, who had written a controversial, 11,000-word piece on the circus and its colorful owners, Washington's Feld family, for a local business magazine in 1990. Her piece had recounted the Feld family's Horatio Alger-like story, but it had also exposed some unpleasant secrets about the famously tight-lipped Felds -- such as a bitter feud that had broken out between the two chief heirs, and the bisexuality of the family's patriarch, Irvin Feld. The circus had refused to talk to her ever since.

Ever since, Pottker had been trying, and failing, to get a book off the ground about the circus. But nothing had ever seemed to jell. Promising magazine assignments about the circus's questionable treatment of its performing children and the care of its animals had been derailed. Congressional and Labor Department interest in the subjects, which she'd spurred, evaporated. Now, out of the blue, a former top Feld official had sent a message saying he would like to meet with her. Would she agree?


Still in Denial about 9/11?

"We were also killed on 9/11, avenge us."

First Responder David Miller

(more videos after the jump..)

Former NYPD Officer Craig Bartmer

Craig's on Myspace...drop in and let him know you support him!

"Sierra Club Chronicles: 9/11 Forgotten Heroes"

9/11 Toxic Dust Whistleblower Mike McCormack

related article: "9/11 Toxic Dust Whistleblower Raided by SWAT Team"

World Trade Center hero William Rodriguez

"9/11: Press for Truth" documents the fight for answers by 9/11 victims' families

"Press for Truth" on Myspace...

"Campaign for New Investigation of 9/11" - C-SPAN (clip)

click here for the full version...

Everybody's Gotta Learn Sometimes

9/11 Mysteries: part 1 Controlled demolition

Improbable Collapse: The Demolition of our Republic

"9/11: Still Killing" - photo/audio essay from Time for the links to the 9/11 truth hit-pieces right after the slideshow...

this is just plain disgraceful...


Sunday, October 22, 2006

An excerpt from Bob Chapman's International Forecaster: 10/21/06

original article

North Korea has called George and the neocons’ bluff and exploded a nuclear bomb underground. George’s answer sounded like a line from a John Wayne movie, ”North Korea can either have a future or they can have those weapons. They cannot have both.” Next we expect an invitation to the OK Corral. George’s words ring hollow and that is how empires begin to collapse. This new foreign policy fiasco, the increase in ECB rates and lack of higher US rates will make it more difficult to attract funds to fund wars, occupation, debt and the current account deficit. As we have told you previously something has to give. The first item as decreed by the Illuminati will be the end of occupations in Iraq and Afghanistan and negotiations are to begin with Iran. The elitists have to move fast because failure in the Middle East has set back their plan for world government by 20 years and the US and world economies are about to implode and at the same time have hyperinflation. This destructive event, although planned, could not have come at a worse time for this conspiracy. The window of opportunity may be open during the coming period and expose the plans of these one-world megalomaniacs. There is no more axis of evil. There is only little North Korea. Another big threat to the forces of evil is the end of the “terrorism” threat. That too will be exposed as a lie and a fraud.
The US does not have sufficient forces to win and may not have enough troops to survive. The longer allied forces stay in Iraq the more they will be ground down. There are no more reserves that can be summoned within two months. The elitists, neocon forces, are in a terminal global position. The initiative has been lost. World events will then determine US foreign policy, not the elitists. That could well be accompanied by the loss of the House and the Senate by the elitist neocons. This officially lame ducks George Bush and compounds the elitist nightmare. They have to roll all their programs back and try to stop a depression steamroller that we believe is unstoppable. This could be where we break and expose the power of the Illuminati. They have opened the window of opportunity and they may not be able to shut it. Political initiative by the US will be lost. This is what has happened in every country at the end of an empire.
You are all aware of American homes being used as ATM machines. When we declared that the recession had begun in January it was based in strong part on a diminution of value in real estate and the ability to draw against it. In 2006, we expect a fall in real estate equity withdrawal of about $1.5 trillion, money that will not be freed up for consumption. Those numbers should move over $2 trillion in 2007. That is a devastating fall in buying power. The only thing to replace it is the creation of more money and credit by the Fed and financial organizations and that is hyperinflationary.
On October the 24th the FOMC will probably leave interest rates unchanged. It’s just prior to an election and besides if they lower them the dollar will fall in value. They cannot have that because that would stop foreign investors from buying dollar denominated assets. As we said when the increases in the overnight rates paused, January was the first month that even a possibility of a change downward in rates would come about. The establishment economic hacks are looking at June as the month. We will see, as you can imagine the situation is fluid.
Just to show you how the stock market is being rigged, corporate profits rose $175.6 billion in the first quarter and only $22.7 billion in the second quarter. In the third and fourth quarters we see a further faltering. The “experts” expect 12.5% earnings growth in 2006 and the same in 2007. We see 4-5% at best in 2007. There is only so much you can see when you can be fired for telling the truth.

Saturday, October 21, 2006

Lee Hamilton On Washington Journal

Friday, October 20, 2006

Blair Quizzed on Bilderberg

Blair Quizzed on Bilderberg
Denies attending any elite conferences in the House of Commons. Is he lying again?

Steve Watson / | October 20 2006

Tony Blair was questioned in the House of Commons yesterday on his involvement with the secretive Bilderberg Group. Liberal Democrat MP, Norman Baker asked Blair to provide a full answer to a previous 12th October question about Bilderberg and whether Mr Blair had had any involvement in Bilderberg Conferences since he became Prime Minister in 1997.

The entry into the House of Commons records is below and can be viewed online here:

Prime Minister
Bilderberg Group

Norman Baker: To ask the Prime Minister pursuant to the answer of 12 October 2006, Official Report, column 862W, on the Bilderberg Group, if he will provide the information requested in respect of himself since 1997. [95308]

The Prime Minister: I have not attended any such meetings.

Is Blair telling the truth? Certainly he has lied about previous attendances to Bilderberg meetings, most notably the 1993 conference which he attended before he'd even become leader of his own party. One year after his attendance Blair became leader of the Labour party and a rapid rise to power, culminating in his election as Prime Minister in 1997, ensued that baffled many political analysts.

In 1998 an MP asked Blair the same question to which he gave the same answer, that he had never attended a Bilderberg meeting. However, the evidence clearly shows he was there. A number of mainstream media reports, plus the official Bilderberg attendee list, confirm that Blair attended Bilderberg in Athens in 1993. Furthermore, Parliamentary records prove he was there with long term member, and supposed opposition party stalwart Ken Clarke.

Tony Gosling at has tirelessly worked to expose the influence that the Bilderberg group has on world events. Here he analyses the incredible rise to power that other Western leaders have experienced after attending Bilderberg meetings.

Norman Baker, the MP who questioned Blair, has recently made waves in British politics by launching into a private, year-long investigation into the death of Dr David Kelly, the scientist who found himself under siege after apparently accusing the government of ‘sexing up’ the case for war to a BBC journalist.

Kelly, the UK's leading weapons inspector, was found dead under a tree on Harrowdown Hill in Oxfordshire after telling associates and friends that he feared that's what would happen to him. An inquiry set up under Lord Hutton duly reported that Dr Kelly had committed suicide. In a brave attempt to reveal the truth, Norman Baker disputes this conclusion.

Baker has also recently suggested that he sees inconsistencies in the official story of the 9/11 attacks.

This year's Bilderberg Conference was held in Ottawa Canada and was covered in depth by Alex Jones and the Infowars team who went through hell and high water to protest and raise awareness of the event.

Bilderberg has a proven history of acting in a kingmaker capacity, yet they are unelected and unaccountable to anyone. Their directives are driven towards undermining national sovereignty and establishing a world order that benefits their elite interests. Both Bill Clinton and Tony Blair were "groomed" by Bilderberg before becoming President and Prime Minister and the mainstream media reported that Bilderberg selected John Edwards as John Kerry's running mate in 2004.

Further Parliamentary records indicate that the shadow Chancellor of the Exchequer attended the Bilderberg conference this year. This is interesting given that Gordon Brown, a man on the verge of becoming the next Prime Minister, attended the Bilderberg Conference when he was shadow Chancellor of the Exchequer in 1991.

A House of Lords minute entry dated 11th October also indicates that an answer is awaited on whether any ministers attended this year's Bilderberg Conference:

The Lord Stoddart of Swindon—To ask Her Majesty's Government whether any Ministers attended the Bilderberg Conference in Ottawa between 8th and 11th June; if so, whether they attended in a Ministerial or private capacity; whether they made contributions to debates; and, if so, on which subjects. [CO] (HL7569)

It seems that some members of The Houses want to know exactly who is attending Bilderberg meetings and in what capacity.

More Human Remains Found at Ground Zero

CNN is reporting that more human remains were found at the World Trade Center in New York.

A Consolidated Edison crew doing excavation of the manhole at street level found the remains, some as big as arm or leg bones, said Steve Coleman, a spokesman for the Port Authority of New York and New Jersey, which owns the site.

Con Ed said it entered the site Wednesday to remove material from two manholes that had been damaged and abandoned after the 2001 collapse of the twin towers.

Crews hauled the excavated materials Wednesday to a work center more than a mile away, as is customary, Con Edison said. On Thursday morning, a contractor working for the Port Authority realized the materials contained remains, Con Edison spokesman Chris Olert said, and the medical examiner's office was contacted.

Tuesday, October 10, 2006

Identifying Misinformation/

9/11 Revealed?

New book repeats false conspiracy theories

World Trade Center
World Trade Center, September 11, 2001. (AP)

9/11 Revealed, published in August 2005, is the latest book putting forth bizarre conspiracy theories about the September 11, 2001, terrorist attacks on the United States.  Its two British authors, Ian Henshall and Rowland Morgan, give credence to a hodgepodge of sinister, unfounded allegations.

The book claims a drone Boeing 757, or a smaller plane painted in American Airlines colors, hit the Pentagon, but ignores the fact that forensic specialists identified the crew and passengers of American Airlines flight 77 from remains found in the Pentagon, proving irrefutably that the flight hit the Pentagon.

The book claims the World Trade Center (WTC) twin towers collapsed because they were pre-rigged with explosives but ignores an extraordinarily thorough, three-year investigation by the U.S. National Institute for Standards and Technology (NIST).  NIST concluded the towers collapsed because the impact of the plane crashes severed and damaged support columns and dislodged fireproofing insulation from the steel floor trusses and support columns, which allowed the fires to weaken them to the point where they bowed, buckled, and failed.  It recently stated, in the WTC Towers Report (p. 12) on its Web site, that it found “no corroborating evidence for alternative hypotheses suggesting that the WTC towers were brought down by controlled demolition… .” 


Saturday, October 07, 2006

Operation Mockingbird

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Operation Mockingbird

From SourceWatch

Allegations worthy of consideration ...

From an undated analysis by Mary Louise posted at (

"Starting in the early days of the Cold War (late 40's), the CIA began a secret project called Operation Mockingbird, with the intent of buying influence behind the scenes at major media outlets and putting reporters on the CIA payroll, which has proven to be a stunning ongoing success. The CIA effort to recruit American news organizations and journalists to become spies and disseminators of propaganda, was headed up by Frank Wisner, Allen Dulles, Richard Helms, and Philip Graham (publisher of The Washington Post)."

From an undated piece by Steve Kangas titled "The Origins of the Overclass" (

"Journalism is a perfect cover for CIA agents. People talk freely to journalists, and few think suspiciously of a journalist aggressively searching for information. Journalists also have power, influence and clout. Not surprisingly, the CIA began a mission in the late 1940s to recruit American journalists on a wide scale, a mission it dubbed Operation MOCKINGBIRD. The agency wanted these journalists not only to relay any sensitive information they discovered, but also to write anti-communist, pro-capitalist propaganda when needed."
"Perhaps no newspaper is more important to the CIA than the Washington Post, one of the nation's most right-wing dailies. Its location in the nation's capitol enables the paper to maintain valuable personal contacts with leading intelligence, political and business figures. Unlike other newspapers, the Post operates its own bureaus around the world, rather than relying on AP wire services. Owner Philip Graham was a military intelligence officer in World War II, and later became close friends with CIA figures like Frank Wisner, Allen Dulles, Desmond FitzGerald and Richard Helms. He inherited the Post by marrying Katherine Graham, whose father owned it."
"Sig Mickelson was a CIA asset the entire time he was president of CBS News from 1954 to 1961. Later he went on to become president of Radio Free Europe and Radio Liberty, two major outlets of CIA propaganda."
"The CIA also secretly bought or created its own media companies. It owned 40 percent of the Rome Daily American at a time when communists were threatening to win the Italian elections. Worse, the CIA has bought many domestic media companies. A prime example is Capital Cities, created in 1954 by CIA businessman William J. Casey (who would later become Ronald Reagan's CIA director). Another founder was Lowell Thomas, a close friend and business contact with CIA Director Allen Dulles. Another founder was CIA businessman Thomas Dewey. By 1985, Capital Cities had grown so powerful that it was able to buy an entire TV network: ABC."
"For those who believe in 'separation of press and state,' the very idea that the CIA has secret propaganda outlets throughout the media is appalling. The reason why America was so oblivious to CIA crimes in the 40s and 50s was because the media willingly complied with the agency."

There are several copies online of "The Alex Constantine Article; Tales from the Crypt -- The Depraved Spies and Moguls of the CIA's Operation MOCKINGBIRD" [1] ([2] (

"[In the late 40's] the American intelligence services competed with communist activists abroad to influence European labor unions. With or without the cooperation of local governments, Frank Wisner, an undercover State Department official assigned to the Foreign Service, rounded up students abroad to enter the cold war underground of covert operations on behalf of his Office of Policy Coordination. Philip Graham, a graduate of the Army Intelligence School in Harrisburg, PA, then publisher of the Washington Post., was taken under Wisner's wing to direct the program code-named Operation MOCKINGBIRD."
"Most consumers of the corporate media were - and are - unaware of the effect that the salting of public opinion has on their own beliefs. A network anchorman in time of national crisis is an instrument of psychological warfare in the MOCKINGBIRD media. He is a creature from the national security sector's chamber of horrors. For this reason consumers of the corporate press have reason to examine their basic beliefs about government and life in the parallel universe of these United States."
"Former Washington Post publisher Philip Graham 'believing that the function of the press was more often than not to mobilize consent for the policies of the government, was one of the architects of what became a widespread practice: the use and manipulation of journalists by the CIA'. This scandal was known by its code name Operation MOCKINGBIRD."

There are many citations attached to "A Letter to the Washington Post" ( by Julian C. Holmes dated April 25, 1992.

From "Subverting the Media" ( by David Guyatt:

"In an October 1977, article published by Rolling Stone magazine, Carl Bernstein reported that more than 400 American journalists worked for the CIA. Bernstein went on to reveal that this cozy arrangement had covered the preceding 25 years. Sources told Bernstein that the New York Times, America's most respected newspaper at the time, was one of the CIA's closest media collaborators. Seeking to spread the blame, the New York Times published an article in December 1977, revealing that 'more than eight hundred news and public information organisations and individuals,' had participated in the CIA's covert subversion of the media.
"As these stories hit the news, Senate investigators began to probe the CIA sponsored manipulation of the media - the 'Fourth Estate' that supposedly was dedicated to acting as a check and balance on the excesses of the executive. This investigation was, however, curtailed at the insistence of Central Intelligence Agency Directors, William Colby and George H.W. Bush - who would later be elected US President. The information gathered by the Senate Select Intelligence Committee chaired by Senator Frank Church, was 'deliberately buried' Bernstein reported.
"Slowly, the role of Mockingbird in muzzling and manipulating the press began to be revealed. In 1974, two former CIA agents, Victor Marchetti and John D. Marks, published a sensational book entitled "The CIA and the Cult of Intelligence" (ISBN 0440203368). The book caused uproar for the many revelations it contained."

From "Myth of Liberal Media", posted at Democratic Underground (includes citation links) (, Democracy Unbound (scroll down) (, and at (access via the Wayback Machine):

"After this embarrassment, it was necessary for the Right to use its own private network to replace Mockingbird. As a result, there is now the Cato Institute, with Media Mogul Rupert Murdoch (Fox, NY Post, TV Guide) on the Board with ATT/TCI's Malone [10] . Another big contributor to Cato is Viacom, which recently acquired CBS. Consequently, CBS/Viacom is now headed by Sumner M. Redstone, who is yet another powerful right wing figure with a WWII intelligence background [11] and apparent ties to OSS/CIA figures [12] . Cato serves the purpose of infusing the Media with Right Wing Propaganda, along with such organizations as Accuracy in Media (AIM), the Independent Women's Forum, the Western Journalism Center and -- of course -- the Heritage Foundation (See Main Page for Details).
"The difference between the days of Operation Mockingbird and the present situation is that, instead of actually placing network executives, publishers, editors, reporters and pundits on the CIA payroll, their contemporary counterparts are now members of the Right Wing Think Tanks*. In addition to Cato's Murdoch, some high profile examples are MSNBC's Laura Ingraham (a notorious 'Scaifette' from the Independent Women's Forum [13] ) and ABC's John Stossel [14] . CNN's Kate O'Beirne is a Heritage fellow (and previous VP) who is a regular columnist for the National Review. Also, old Bonesman/CIA hand William F. Buckley, Jr. is the Editor of the arch-conservative Review. The National Review's President and Chairman is none other than Thomas Rhodes, who was recently a Heritage Board member. Other right wing journals financed by these sugar-daddies (and mommies) include the American Spectator, Human Events and Murdoch's Weekly Standard."

From Glen Yeadon's "From the streets of Little Beirut" ( (2/28/03):

"CIA censorship and media-propagandizing was supposed to have stopped in the mid-1970s after the Church Committee investigated the CIA's Project Mockingbird. At the time, every major media outlet was infected with Mockingbird. Coexisting with Project Mockingbird was a FBI operation named COINTELPRO. COINTELPRO was successful in destroying not only leftist groups but also more importantly the press of the left. Ramparts Magazine was a major target eliminated by COINTELPRO. In one short decade, the alternative press had been wiped out."

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Of course the people don't want war.

"Of course the people don't want war. But after all, it's the leaders of the country who determine the policy, and it's always a simple matter to drag the people along whether it's a democracy, a fascist dictatorship, or a parliament, or a communist dictatorship. Voice or no voice, the people can always be brought to the bidding of the leaders. That is easy. All you have to do is tell them they are being attacked, and denounce the pacifists for lack of patriotism, and exposing the country to greater danger."

-- Herman Goering at the Nuremberg trials

Origins:   Another timely quote in the vein of the apocryphal Julius Caesar warning about political leaders who can all too easily send the citizenry marching eagerly off to war by manufacturing crises that purportedly threaten national security and making popular appeals to patriotism. In this case the sentiment expressed is even more disturbing because it comes not from a venerated figure of antiquity, but supposedly from a reviled twentieth-century figure associated with the most chilling example of genocide in human history: Hermann Goering, Nazi Reichsmarshall and Luftwaffe-Chief. We may be made somewhat uneasy by the idea that the head of a classic Swastikacivilization recognized 2,000 years ago that the populace could be manipulated into sacrificing themselves in wars at the whims of their leaders, but we're outraged (and maybe even scared) at the thought of a fat Nazi fascist flunky's recognizing and telling us the same thing.

The notable difference here is that although the Caesar quote is a latter-day fabrication, the words attributed to Hermann Goering are real. Goering was one of the highest-ranking Nazis who survived to be captured and put on trial for war crimes in the city of Nuremberg by the Allies after the end of World War II. He was found guilty on charges of "war crimes," "crimes against peace," and "crimes against humanity" by the Nuremberg tribunal and sentenced to death by hanging. The sentence could not be carried out, however, because Goering committed suicide with smuggled cyanide capsules hours before his execution, scheduled for 15 October 1946.

The quote cited above does not appear in transcripts of the Nuremberg trials because although Goering spoke these words during the course of the proceedings, he did not offer them at his trial. His comments were made privately to Gustave Gilbert, a German-speaking intelligence officer and psychologist who was granted free access by the Allies to all the prisoners held in the Nuremberg jail. Gilbert kept a journal of his observations of the proceedings and his conversations with the prisoners, which he later published in the book Nuremberg Diary. The quote offered above was part of a conversation Gilbert held with a dejected Hermann Goering in his cell on the evening of 18 April 1946, as the trials were halted for a three-day Easter recess:

Sweating in his cell in the evening, Goering was defensive and deflated and not very happy over the turn the trial was taking. He said that he had no control over the actions or the defense of the others, and that he had never been anti-Semitic himself, had not believed these atrocities, and that several Jews had offered to testify in his behalf. If [Hans] Frank [Governor-General of occupied Poland] had known about atrocities in 1943, he should have come to him and he would have tried to do something about it. He might not have had enough power to change things in 1943, but if somebody had come to him in 1941 or 1942 he could have forced a showdown. (I still did not have the desire at this point to tell him what [SS General Otto] Ohlendorf had said to this: that Goering had been written off as an effective "moderating" influence, because of his drug addiction and corruption.) I pointed out that with his "temperamental utterances," such as preferring the killing of 200 Jews to the destruction of property, he had hardly set himself up as champion of minority rights. Goering protested that too much weight was being put on these temperamental utterances. Furthermore, he made it clear that he was not defending or glorifying Hitler.

Later in the conversation, Gilbert recorded Goering's observations that the common people can always be manipulated into supporting and fighting wars by their political leaders:

We got around to the subject of war again and I said that, contrary to his attitude, I did not think that the common people are very thankful for leaders who bring them war and destruction.

"Why, of course, the people don't want war," Goering shrugged. "Why would some poor slob on a farm want to risk his life in a war when the best that he can get out of it is to come back to his farm in one piece. Naturally, the common people don't want war; neither in Russia nor in England nor in America, nor for that matter in Germany. That is understood. But, after all, it is the leaders of the country who determine the policy and it is always a simple matter to drag the people along, whether it is a democracy or a fascist dictatorship or a Parliament or a Communist dictatorship."

"There is one difference," I pointed out. "In a democracy the people have some say in the matter through their elected representatives, and in the United States only Congress can declare wars."

"Oh, that is all well and good, but, voice or no voice, the people can always be brought to the bidding of the leaders. That is easy. All you have to do is tell them they are being attacked and denounce the pacifists for lack of patriotism and exposing the country to danger. It works the same way in any country."

Last updated:   4 October 2002


Who is responsible for bringing metal's famous hand signal to the tribe?


Illustration by Mark Brooks

t is called the mano cornuto, the horned hand, with index finger and pinkie raised proudly as the sign of the beast, ready for an unholy wave to your favorite demon king. The Horns of Cernunnos. The woolly Goat of Mendes. And the edifice of Scaccia Scalogna, source of the ancient code to defeat the "evil eye" and its power to wilt the fruit on trees and the mojo of men. Or, it means nothing at all – nothing beyond the international greeting to heavy metal ecstasy, aimed at all the flawed rock gods with their Marshall amps and electric guitars. It is there that the horns still carry some tribal significance, and where the local monster metal fest might carry a giant foam-rubber facsimile of the horned hand to be waved from across the arena, as harmless as a pillow.

Satan must miss the attention. It had been his for centuries, used with conviction just in the last generation by Church of Satan founder Anton LaVey himself. To Wiccans, the raised fingers were like antenna to receive a jolt from the mighty and mysterious Goddess. The sign still worries evangelists, but it truly belongs to rock now, as a declaration of love and testosterone in the presence of Ozzy or Metallica or the next speed-metal band to plug in onstage. It is a valentine between rock star and superfan.

Singer Rob Halford has no idea where it came from, and he probably picked it up from the audience. But it provides a big moment every night onstage with the reunited Judas Priest, right in the middle of "Painkiller," as the band drifts into a passage of lengthy metal-guitar riffing. That's when Halford steps up to the edge of the stage. "I throw a metal-god pose and put my horns in the air, and the crowd goes fucking ballistic," Halford says. "It's like holding up the NBA trophy. It's a unifying moment. People go, ´Oh, my god, look what he's doing – that's me!' It's a moment of recognition."

But its source in rock is a mystery. And it has grown into a subject of uninformed debate in parking lots and online. Gene Simmons of KISS wrote in his 2002 autobiography that it was his accidental invention, the inadvertent gesture of a great man, repeated at concerts and picked up by fans. Not likely. Former Black Sabbath shouter Ronnie James Dio also takes the credit, first raising the horns before joining the band in 1978. And he's expressed alarm over the image of Britney Spears fans raising the sign at concerts by the dancing diva of lip-synched pop. The truth is elusive.

One Internet gadfly calling himself Physical Discomfort writes of Dio, "Hell no he didn't pioneer the devils hands thing!" Then he insists that a live photograph inside the 1972 album Black Sabbath Vol. 4 reveals Ozzy and fans throwing the goat into the air. A potential revelation … so I dig out my buried copy, searching for a moment of pure cartoonish evil, a possible crossroads where heavy metal's flirtation with the Satanic and ridiculous began. And there it is: peace signs. The hippie dream, and not a demon's head anywhere.

The time has come for a survey, and first on the list is Dave Grohl. The Foo Fighters frontman and Nirvana drummer is in town to conduct his own headbanger paradise on a Hollywood soundstage, where he's shooting a video for his metal side-project Probot, sitting in with Motörhead's Lemmy Kilmister and 70 models from Between takes, Grohl poses for a magazine photographer. The man is a kind of redheaded, Mephisto-looking hipster, who begs Grohl to flash him "the goat" again and again. He refuses. Grohl's roots are in both metal and punk rock, where, if used at all, the horns tend to be wielded ironically. I ask later where he first saw the mano cornuto. "Honestly, probably at a Black Flag show, which doesn't make sense. But you'd have the fucking burnouts that would come to see Black Flag after rippin' Sabbath in the parking lot for a good half-hour."

Later, I ask Lemmy the same' thing, noting the casual claims of Gene Simmons. "Well, he would, wouldn't he?" Lemmy remarks. "He is so eeevilll. Come on, gimme a fucking break."

Lars Ulrich of Metallica has no doubt at all: "That's got to be Ronnie James Dio. I remember Rainbow used to play in Denmark about every half-hour, so I used to go see it every half-hour. And Ronnie James Dio did a lot of that. Back in '75, '76, '77, it was all about Rainbow and Black Sabbath and Thin Lizzy."

In a separate interview, singer-guitarist James Hetfield, answers, "I think Dio." Then he goes on, with a smile: "I think Spider-Man originally. It's also ´I love you' in sign language. I don't know, I think it's ´Two more songs!' – you know."

One could make the pilgrimage to the medieval Italian hill town of Barga, Tuscany, and the carved visage of the Scaccia Scalogna, an ancient face set right into the wall along the Via di Mezzo. Locals in search of better luck and divine intervention travel to the cragged, alien face to press their horned hands right into the statue's eyes. Which takes the demon salute into the realm of Moe Howard of the Three Stooges, who enjoyed ending conversations with a pair of fingers in the eyes of his closest associates.

Even President George Bush has raised horns to the sky, suggesting all kinds of possible conspiracies and connections, entangled in Skull & Bones and star chambers. More likely, Bush is signaling his piety to the Texas Longhorns, gridiron warriors for the University of Texas, where a football-crazy male cheerleader named Harley Clark first raised the "hook 'em horns" signal at a 1955 pep rally. Clark is a retired state judge now, and definitely no Satanist.

Dio remembers the gesture from his Italian grandmother in New York, making a sign to ward off the "evil eye." He does not claim to have invented it, but says he brought it to the metal masses as far back as his days in Rainbow, before replacing Ozzy Osbourne in Black Sabbath in 1978. When VH1 weighed in this year with 100 Most Metal Moments, No. 3 was Dio's use of the gesture as the universal signal for heavy metal. "eIt's nice to have been able to create something that's going to last for a long time and be credited for it," says Dio. "But I'm sure some guy named Og invented it 25,000 years ago."

And it belongs today in the hands of a deadly serious rocker, he argues, not the Top 40. "Going to see someone in a bustier doesn't seem to make any sense when they raise that sign up there. And they get it wrong. There's a way to do it. You have to lean into it and have a certain facial expression." For Dio, the sign "puts an exclamation point and a period to what you're doing. I don't do it for frivolous reasons. It was a natural thing for me to do. And perhaps it looks theatrical now because it's overused, even by myself."

But Dio was not the first rock musician to raise the horns high. It's not the devil's sign to everyone. It is also the password to the Mothership, the P-Funk juggernaut first launched at the beginning of the '70s. George Clinton and Bootsy Collins have been trading the "P-Funk sign" ever since, a kind of sci-fi-funk interpretation of the old Vulcan "live long and prosper" greeting from Star Trek's Mr. Spock.

A friend arranges a meeting with Clinton. I hand him a photograph of Dio making the hand signal, and tell him this is the man (or one of them) credited with bringing it to rock. Clinton stares at the picture for a long, silent minute, breathing heavily. Another minute passes. He's never heard of Ronnie James Dio. It's the P-Funk sign, man. The mystery continues.

Then I mention Simmons, and Clinton smiles. "He should know better," he says with a laugh. KISS and Parliament-Funkadelic were both on Casablanca Records in the '70s. "Our costumes were made at the same place," he adds. "And we had ours made there first!"

Friday, October 06, 2006

Traitor Kos

Traitor Kos (rhymes with Trader Joe's)

Left Gatekeeper: (noun) Someone who pretends to be liberal or progressive in order to achieve credibility and a following among those holding views considered liberal or progressive. They then use their influence to discourage discussion or consideration of any information or ideas damaging to the ruling class, such as the truth about 9/11, thus drawing an artificial line that people will avoid crossing and controlling discussion of things that actually matter and could disrupt the status quo. Examples: Noam Chomsky, Arianna Huffington, Michael Moore, Amy Goodman, and of course, the Daily Kos.


From the Daily Kos FAQ:

Controversial 9/11 Diaries

DailyKos accepts that the 9/11 attacks were perpetrated by agents of Al-Qaeda. It is forbidden to write diaries that:

  • refer to claims that American, British, Israeli, or any government assisted in the attacks
  • refer to claims that the airplanes that crashed into the WTC and Pentagon were not the cause of the damage to those buildings or their subsequent collapse
  • Authoring or recommending these diaries may result in banning from Daily Kos.


    So who the hell is this guy who likes to tell people what they can and can't write about?


    Markos Moulitsas Zúniga (born September 11 , 1971 ), often known by his username and former military moniker "Kos", is the founder and main author of Daily Kos , a left-wing weblog focusing on progressive, liberal, and Democratic Party politics. Moulitsas currently resides in Berkeley , California , with his wife and son. Moulitsas was born in Chicago , Illinois to a Salvadoran mother and Greek father, and grew up in El Salvador . (Following Latin American custom, his last name is actually "Moulitsas", not "Zúniga".) His family moved back to the United States in 1980 due to the Salvadoran civil war . He served in the U.S. Army from 1989 through 1992 ; while stationed in Germany, and after missing "by a hair" deployment to the Gulf War, he changed his political affiliation from Republican to Democrat . He has described the military as "perhaps the ideal society -- we worked hard but the Army took care of us in return." [1]


    So, let's see what goes on on this "left-wing liberal progressive" site...


    The Daily Kos Forums and the Amazing, Incredible, Pick Your Word "Mia Dolan" Can you please explain Building 7 to me? ( 1+ / 0- )
    Recommended by: BurnetO

    Since you said that the collapse of Building 7 is easy to refute, I'd love ot hear your refutation.  As far as I know, there is still no explanation of how Building 7 collapsed.  But we do have, on the record, the lease holder (Larry Silverstein) of Building 7 admitting on television that WTC 7 was "pulled" (e.g. demolished.

    by The Bulldog Manifesto on Tue Jun 20, 2006 at 02:51:28 PM PDT

    • Missed the whole point... ( 2+ / 0- )
      Recommended by: BobzCat , bobbobgirl

      I think you missed the whole point of the diary, didn't you?

      Lying can never save us from another lie - Vaclav Havel

      by Muwarr90 on Tue Jun 20, 2006 at 02:54:19 PM PDT

      [ Parent ]

    • Easy Refutation ( 4+ / 0- )

      Building 7 collapsed because it was hit by debris from two other really big adjacent buildings that collapsed.  The debris weakened the structural integrity and started the building on fire.  After burning for most of the day it collapsed.

      Larry Silverstein did say pulled, but explained that he meant pull out the firefighters.  So he did not admit anything.  For what its worth, "pull" is also not a demolition term.  If anyone says otherwise, they are lying.

      If a building that size was to be taken down by a controlled demolitiion, it would take have taken thousands of hours of work by many people, and a huge amount of explosives.  Both the explosives and the demolition people installing the explosives were notably missing before 9/11.

      Sure, the internet is full of conspiracy nuts and marginal academics who think it was an inside job.  And yeah, it is kind of wierd that the whole building came down at the same time.  And I know, NIST is still trying to figure out exactly what happened.  But to think that the sum of this is evidence that there was controlled demolition of Building 7 is just embarassing.  You would really have to be a total moron or completely deluded to believe that.

      This garbage has already been given way too much airtime on DailyKos.  Get some real evidence and then I'm sure the ban will be lifted.  Get one single structural engineer on board and then I will write a diary begging Markos to reconsider.  But if someone wants to talk about Stephen Jones or Loose Change or some other shit that has been discussed too many times, take it somewhere else.  

      Tämä Mia Dolan on ihan hirveä (That Mia Dolan is just awful)

      by Mia Dolan on Tue Jun 20, 2006 at 03:36:38 PM PDT

      [ Parent ]

      Thanks and a recc ( 2+ / 0- )

      Recommended by: RunawayRose , bobbobgirl

      ..for supplying facts, and keeping a cool head.

      by Ahianne on Tue Jun 20, 2006 at 04:45:36 PM PDT

      [ Parent ]

    Needless to say that when someone lies so much then gets praised by others for the lie, something fishy is going on.

    See the Kos thought police in more online action: Kos The One Question That Won't Go Away.mht Kos The 9-11 Attack Dog Movement.mht Kos Attention 9-11 Conspiracy Theorists.mht

    On this last page, note in particular the lies being told about the construction of the towers--pure disinformation, 100% criminal, and condoned by Kos himself.


    Finally, see what Air America's Mike Malloy thinks of Kos' decision to ban all discussion on 9/11 that does not back the official Bush/PNAC/Silverstein line:


    Do you know what an accessory after the fact is? I think Kos knows!