Monday, January 08, 2007

Secret Files Show Top Nazis Worked for CIA

The recent release of formerly secret CIA files is revealing the names of top Nazi intelligence and counterintelligence personnel who worked for both the CIA and U.S. Army Intelligence after the end of the Second World War.

The CIA- controlled ‘Gehlen Organization,’ which later became the German BND, was run by Colonel James Critchfield of the CIA until 1955 and this organization is now revealed to have employed hundreds of Nazi officials wanted for war crimes.

The first person on the list was former SS-Oberführer or Senior Colonel, Willi Krichbaum .Krichbaum was an associate of Heinrich Müller, head of the Gestapo and a later CIA agent, and later the Deputy Chief of the Gestapo. Krichbaum was in charge of the deportation of the Hungarian Jews in 1944—a deportation that took nearly 300,000 lives. Krichbaum is also the man who shot Raoul Wallenberg. The Geheime Feld Polizei or the Secret Field Police which Krichbaum had commanded was responsible for all manner of atrocities, including the killing of Soviet prisoners of war.


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