Saturday, November 04, 2006

Depleted Uranium Kills ...your tax dollars at work

What's The Big Deal?

Today in 2005, fourteen years after the first massive use of depleted uranium munitions against Iraq, countless thousands (or millions) of victims cry in vain for relief as the United States and other military forces continue to use DU weaponry. Anyone seeking to end this suicidal chemical and radiological gas warfare is confronting one of the biggest institutional lies in history, the lie that uranium munitions pose no long-term or widespread health hazard.

This lie is so huge and has so many tentacles and subtleties, that it has become institutional orthodoxy in the United States.
The truth, being pieced together by dedicated, disciplined, peer-reviewed scientists worldwide, is too horrifying for most people to contemplate. The vaporized, ceramic uranium oxides which billow as smoke from an impacting DU shell have poisoned, and continue to contaminate the environment with minute, undetectable uranium oxide particles which will remain radioactive and toxic for the lifetime of Earth. (4.5 billion+ years) continued


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